nurarihyon no mago 1

nurarihyon no mago 01

Long ago
People feared Youkai

A strange story revived for the present day!

The man standing at the head of those youkai, the one who commands the Hyakki Yakou** 
[TN: literally a line of hundreds of spirits/monsters wandering around at night.]
People called that man the Supreme Commander of Youkai ––– or...

"The Grandson of Nurarihyon"

The Master of All Spirits
In the twilight hour, when the sun is setting
From the depths of the shadows comes the mysterious blossom 

Bottom: Opening Colour, 58pages!!
Bottom, huge letters: New series

Bottom left, yellow: Shiibashi Hiroshi

Bottom left, white: Act 1: Becoming the Master of All Spirits

Right, black[title]: The Grandson of Nurarihyon

Box: A town on the Kantou Plain
Box: Ukiyoe Town

Box: In that town

Box: There's a "dissolute family", feared by people even today—
Yuki Onna: Master!
Yuki Onna: Young Master!

Yuki Onna: Oh!
Yuki Onna: That's where you were... what are you doing?

Rikuo: ..........

Yuki: Rikuo-sama?!
Yuki: Do you have a stomachache?! Wh.. what should I do...

Yuki: Eh?

Yuki: Uwaaa!

Yuki: ? ? ???

Rikuo: I did it!
Rikuo: I got the Youkai~
SFX: Ahahaha
Yuki: Ehhh? Ehhh?
Yuki: Ehhhhh?

Rikuo: So it's Yuki Onna!
Rikuo: You're as clumsy as ever!
SFX bottom: snicker
Box: Nura Rikuo, 9 years old, 3rd grade

Yuki: Wha-
Yuki: Wait! ...Master?!
SFX: ahaha

Youkai: Just how long are we gonna have to keep looking for him...

Youkai: Hey!

Youkai: Yuki Onna, what do you think you're doing?!
Yuki: Get me down!
Youkai: Who did th—

Youkai: Huh?!

Youkai: What the he----ll!!!
Youkai 2: I'm falling, I'm falling!
Youkai: We were tricked again!!

Text: Ahaha
Youkai: AH
Youkai: Just as I thought, Young Master!

Youkai: You guys!!
Youkai: Pl... Please wait, Master...

Youkai: He's just like the Commander...
Youkai: I know this was just a prank... but you went too far!!

Rikuo: And then, and then! Are you listening, Grandpa?
Rikuo: Everyone was really freaked out! Even though they're youkai!

Nurarihyon: Hahaha
Nurarihyon: That really is pathetic.
Nurarihyon: Youkai shouldn't get freaked out like that...
Box: Supreme Commander, Nurarihyon

Rikuo: Hey, so does that mean you'll hand it down to me?
Rikuo: The Emblem of The Third 

Nurari: Hmmm?

Nurari: I think I'll wait a while longer... until you get a bit bigger and become more like a youkai.
Rikuo: Really?!

Rikuo: I'm gonna do my best!!
Rikuo: I'll do my best and become a great youkai Boss like Grandpa!!

Nurari: Fuhaha sounds promising.
Rikuo: But are youkai really that cool? Are they really strong?
Rikuo: They totally don't seem like it to me.

Nurari: What the heck are you saying, Rikuo!!
Nurari: Don't you know about my younger days?!
Rikuo: Tell me! Tell me!
Rikuo: I love that story!!

Text: Youkai...
Text: They use the spells of spirits, can fly around the sky, appear whenever they want, and their sword skills, martial arts, and even their appearance exceeds the imagination of normal men!!
Text: I had a hundred Youkai servants who obeyed me... night after night we ran wild
Text: Feared by humans
Text: Adored by Youkai as their Supreme Commander
Text: I was the one they called The Master of the World of Darkness!!
Rikuo: Awesome!!
Rikuo: Grandpa is so cool!

Nurari: Those guys revere me, so they're still working under me to this day.
Nurari: They're helping me out here, so don't give them any lip!
Rikuo: Yes sir!

Nurari: OK, Rikuo
Nurari: Then today again, feast your eyes on my spirit powers.

Server: Huh...?
Server: Where did those customers go?

Cook: Ahhhh they ate and ran!!
Nurari [text]: Hahahaha
Nurari: How was that, incredible right?
Nurari: That's the Eat Food For Free spell!
Rikuo: Grandpa, you're awesome!
Top text: Don't try this at home, kids!

Youkai: Rikuo-sama!
Youkai: Good morning!
Youkai: Looking well again I see!

Kubinashi: Rikuo-sama, let's get you dressed
Kubinashi: Otherwise you'll be late for school
Box: Kubinashi [TN: "no neck"]
Box: Yuki Onna [TN: "Snow Girl"]

Karasu Tengu: Oi, you lot!
Box: Karasu Tengu** 
[**TN: "Crow Tengu". Tengu is a Japanese mythological creature, sometimes translated as goblin. It has black wings, and the Karasu Tengu's face looks like the beak of a crow]
Karasu: What're you doing lazing about? Aren't you gonna help with getting Master ready?!

Aotabou: Right, Master!! Let's dry your hair now that you've washed it!
Kurotabou sfx: kukukuku
Rikuo: That hurts!
Box: Aotabou 
Box: Kurotabou 
[TN: The –tabou in both names is identical, but Aotabou begins with blue, and Kurotabou with black]

Youkai: Master!! Here are your shoes.
Youkai: Here are your socks!
Youkai: Here's the bath for your feet!
Rikuo: Other way round!! Other way round!!
Rikuo: Seriously, come on everyone...

Rikuo: Kana-chan!

Kana: Ah! You're late, Rikuo-kun!
Kana: The bus is already here.

Kana: I said you'd be late if you keep on doing this, didn't I!
Rikuo: I know, but you see—

Rikuo: Everyone was...
Kana: Everyone?

Kid: Waaah, that house is huge!
Kid: That's Nura-kun's house? No way!

Youkai: Have a good day!
Yuki Onna: Honestly... he's just like the Commander, he loves playing tricks... he's very lively!
Kubinashi: Haha... the future looks like it'll be a lot of fun.

Kubinashi: That child will definitely take over as The Third!
Youkai: Hmmm, I wonder... even if he's the Commander's grandson...
Youkai: Could a human child truly be up to the task of heading the Nura Clan...?

Teacher: 6.9 seconds!!

Kid: Damn it... I lose again!!
SFX: *pant* *pant*
Kid: I lost to Nura!

Kid: You've gotten faster recently, Nura!!
Kid: Aren't you a little TOO good?
Kid: How is there any difference between me and you? Damnit...

Rikuo: Hehe... That's because my Grandpa is
Rikuo: The Supreme Commander of Youkai!

Kid: Youkai?

Kid: Does that mean... he's powerful?
Rikuo: He's super powerful!
Rikuo: Grandpa said so after all.
Kid: Really?

Kiyotsugu: ...And thus the child-eating, terrifying "youkai" were exterminated by the handsome, skilled onmyou swordsman.
Kiyotsugu: This happened at the local shrine, which is now said to be the Aratama Shrine today!
Kiyotsugu: The end.

Kiyotsugu: Our group collected the local legends.
SFX: Oooooooh
SFX: clap clap
Rikuo: Whoooaaa

Kid: Youkai legends are so scary!
Kid: You said they used to show up around here...
Kid: I don't like it!

Kiyotsugu: Teacher, what grade did we get?
Teacher: Full marks
Kid: As expected from Kiyotsugu-kun!
Rikuo: What?
Rikuo: W-wait a minute!! Didn't anyone find that story a little odd?

Rikuo: Youkai
Rikuo: Are good guys!

Kid: Eh?
Kid: Wh... what?
Rikuo: I mean... sure they're a bunch of dimwits...
Rikuo: But Aotabou is super strong and Yuki Onna's cooking is delicious, even if it's always cold...

Kid: Huh...? What's he going on about?
Kid: This guy's been acting weird all day...
Kid: Hey, what's your problem!!
Kid: Are you jealous of Kiyotsugu-kun's research project?
Rikuo: Huh?!

Rikuo: But it's true!!
Rikuo: I know 'cause my Grandpa's the Supreme Commander of Youkai!!

Kana: Rikuo-kun?
Kiyotsugu: Oh really!
Kiyotsugu: Then wouldn't that make your grandfather "Nurarihyon"?
Rikuo: ?!
Rikuo: That's right!!
Rikuo: You sure know a lot about him!
Rikuo: Is he that famous?

Kiyotsugu: You idiot... The one they call Nurarihyon...
Kiyotsugu: He goes into people's houses, steals their food, and purposely harasses them just to cause trouble. He's a real little scoundrel of youkai!
Kiyotsugu: What's wrong with you, talking about him like he's some sort of hero?

Kids: Whaaaat he sounds like a creep
Kids: Gross

Rikuo: ......
Kiyotsugu: Haha... but don't worry, everyone! Youkai were just made up by people a long time ago!
Kiyotsugu: There's no way they exist nowadays!
Girl: Really? Of course Kiyotsugu-kun would know!

Girl: It'd be scary if they really existed! 
Text: I know, right?
Rikuo: W-wait a minute!!
Rikuo: But... but... in my house...

Girl: You're so rude, Nura!! You're really creeping me out!

ガキくさいんだよ!! きょうつぐくんのどーよこの大人な会話!!
Girl: You're so childish!! Look how mature Kiyotsugu-kun sounds when he speaks!
Girl: As if Youkai could actually exist!

Kubinashi: What's the matter, Rikuo-sama?
Kubinashi: You seem down about something.

Rikuo: Yeah
Rikuo: A little

Kubinashi: Today the Boss is having a big meeting, so cheer up.
Kubinashi: The Commander's calling you.
Rikuo: Grandpa is?

Rikuo: Wow
Rikuo: That's so cool!

Someone: The top Youkai from all over the country have gathered here.
Youkai: So today's the meeting huh...

Youkai: Come on, have a drink
Youkai 2: Sorry, I'm not drinking right now

Youkai: It's really been tough recently... humans aren't scared of Youkai at all anymore...
Youkai: Maybe we're too old-fashioned...
Youkai: By the way, that fire in Aratama Town? That was my evildoing, you know
Youkai: What? You haven't heard?
Youkai: The other day, I...
Youkai: Yeah, but...
Youkai: If you want to talk about evildoing, it's got to be Gagoze-sensei.
Youkai: Oh, Commander!

Nurari: Thanks for all your hard work.
Nurari: How's it been going for everyone recently?
Nurari: Having fun as youkai?

Youkai: Hehehe... Shinogi's been having a great time.
Youkai: By the way, Commander, why did you call us here today?

Nurari: Heh...
Nurari: I was just thinking that soon I'll have to choose someone as The Third.

Gagoze: Ohh, that's good to know.
Gagoze: It's already been a few years since The Second died... How long will the retired First go unrepresented... Surely it's painful...
Nura Clan, Head of the Gagoze Group
A man who committed evil deeds when he was alive. In the temple where he was buried after he died, during the night he became a ghost, and attacked the youngsters there. A youkai that kidnaps children and eats them.

Girl: Commander! When it comes to evildoing, there's no one who can match Lord Gagoze!
Guy: This year alone, all the child kidnappings were the work of the Gagoze group!

Gagoze: Now now, sending large numbers of children down to Hell is just my job
Girl: Ooooh, you're the ideal for youkai!! Hahaha

Daruma: Hmph...
SFX: Hahaha

Nurari: I see
Nurari: You're working as hard as ever, Gagoze...
Gagoze: Please leave it to me...

Nurari: However... it can't be you.
Nurari: Regarding the matter of The Third... I thought I'd leave it to this grandson of mine here, Rikuo.

Gagoze: ?!

Gagoze: Wh... what did you say?!
Youkai: Oh my... but Rikuo-sama is...
Youkai: But he's still a young child...
Youkai: Indeed, it's true the blood of the Commander runs through his veins, but...

Daruma: What's the matter, Gagoze?... you don't look so good.
Gagoze: Y-you're imagining things, Mokugyo.

Gagoze: ............

Rikuo: Grandpa—
Nurari: What's wrong, Rikuo... aren't you happy?
Nurari: Isn't this what you wanted?

Rikuo: Yeah
Nurari: Nothing can surpass my own blood.
Nurari: You truly resemble me, and your ancestors too. That's more than enough to acknowledge you.

Nurari: Right, let's have a vote then shall we?
Nurari: Rikuo... we'll take you as the successor!
Nurari: The 72 groups of the Nura Clan... the 10,000 organizations of Youkai... starting today, they'll be your servants!!
Rikuo: N.... no!!

Nurari: What?
Rikuo: If... if I have to be around these kind of guys from now on...
Rikuo: Everyone will just hate me even more!!

Nurari: Rikuo...?
Rikuo: I didn't know... that youkai were such horrible guys!

Rikuo: And I'm...
Rikuo: Not like you at all, Grandpa!!
Nurari: Ah!

Nurari: Hey, Rikuo!

Nurari: Rikuo...
Daruma: ......
Daruma: Commander

Daruma: Please excuse my rudeness, but is Rikuo-sama truly the inheritor of your blood...?

Nura Clan Adviser
Mokugyo Daruma

Daruma: From the very beginning, his appearance and his way of thinking have always been that of a human...

Nurari: What?
Gagoze: Heheheh... this certainly is troublesome.

Gagoze: In any case, it looks like the Young Master...
Gagoze: Is still a child who just wants to play all the time...

Someone: ........
Gagoze: Commander... these are harsh times for us. 
Gagoze: Isn't it necessary once more to affirm the oath sworn on the Emblem?

Gagoze: That we... Youkai...
Gagoze: Exist only to scare humans.
Yuki Onna: Master!!
Yuki Onna: You'll catch a cold.

Rikuo: Leave me alone!!

Kubinashi: ......
Yuki Onna: Master.......

Bus: Ukiyoe Elementary School
Bus: Ukiyoe Elementary School

Kiyotsugu: What's the matter, not riding with us, Youkai-kun?!
Kid: Don't! If we let him ride with us...

Kid: We might get attacked by youkai?!
Kid: That reminds me, his house is really old and falling to pieces, isn't it?
Kiyotsugu: A Youkai Mansion? It suits him perfectly!

SFX: Ahahahaha

Kana: Jeez!!
Kana: What are you whimpering about!!

Rikuo: Oww
Kana: The next one doesn't come for 30 minutes!
Kana: Just ignore those guys! Let's get on!

Rikuo: It's fine!
Rikuo: I'm not good enough to ride together with you guys anyway.

Kana: Why?!
Kana: Because you're a liar?
Rikuo: Wrong!!
Text: That's not true!
Rikuo: It's because I'm pathetic!!

Kana: What do you mean...
Rikuo: I used to think... youkai were a lot cooler...

Rikuo: But... all they do is sneak around doing bad stuff.
Rikuo: They're not heroes or anything... they're just losers, all of them...
Rikuo: And...
Rikuo: I was just copying Grandpa, who's just like them.

Kana: I don't really get it, but... 
Kana: Rikuo-kun
Kana: You aren't pathetic at all. What's wrong with wanting to be someone like that?

Rikuo: .......
Rikuo: Huh?

Kana: On the bus that time... you told me you were late because of your clumsy servants, didn't you?
Kana: If you really live in a huge house like that... then you could be telling the truth!
Kana: If that's the case... then if you become a great person standing over them, that's fine, right?

Rikuo: A great... person?
Kana: That's right! So... you really should just drop the act.
Kana: Saying those servants are youkai and stuff.

Rikuo: So basically
Rikuo: That means you don't believe!!
Kana: Because otherwise it'd be scary!!
Kana: Youkai... they're monsters, aren't they?!

Rikuo: Scary?

Kana: I mean, if you showed them to me then I'd believe you...
Kana: But really I wouldn't wanna see that kind of stuff at all!

Rikuo: Hmm... people really do hate youkai...
Rikuo: I won't talk about them ever again.

Kana: ......
SFX: Wow, cool!
SFX: Hahahaha

Kana: I guess it was useless.
Kana: How does he think he's gonna get home anyway, that Rikuo-kun...
Girl: What? Thinking about Nura-kun?

Girl: Hey, so this isn't about Nura-kun, but that legend... apparently it's still going on today!
Kana: Huh? What do you mean?
Girl: Well, you know youkai?

Girl: A bunch of kids have been kidnapped!
Girl: Right. Around. Here.
Kana: K-knock it off...
Kiyotsugu: Oi!! You girls!!
Kiyotsugu: Stop right there!!

Kiyotsugu: Youkai don't actually exist!! In my research, I...

Kids: Kyaaaaa!!

SFX: rattle

Youkai: No doubt about it.
Youkai: That should be the bus the Young Master was riding in.

Karasu Tengu: Honestly, Rikuo-sama
Karasu Tengu: It's a good thing I came to find you after being worried you were taking so long to come home.

SFX top: flap flap
Karasu Tengu: Having to walk so far to get home...
Karasu Tengu: From now on, even if you aren't happy about it, I'll definitely be accompanying you.
Rikuo: ......

Rikuo: Say, Karasu Tengu
Rikuo: Am I... human?
Karasu Tengu: Eh?

Karasu Tengu: Well, yes...
Karasu Tengu: Since both your mother and your grandmother were human.
Rikuo: Yeah, you're right!
Karasu Tengu: But still, with the blood of the Commander...

Karasu Tengu: Of course... that makes up a quarter in you.
Rikuo: A... A whole quarter?
Karasu Tengu: That's right.

Karasu Tengu: So it would be good if you were a little more imposing.
Rikuo: .................

Yuki Onna: Ah!
Yuki Onna: H-he brought him back!!
Youkai: Master!! You were alright!

Karasu Tengu: ?
Karasu Tengu: What's wrong? Why's everyone out here?
Yuki Onna: Because... Because!...

TV: Breaking news!! After a cave-in accident near a tunnel in Ukiyoe Town... a route bus has been "buried alive".
TV: According to reports, a large number of Ukiyoe Primary School children were riding in this bus...

Rikuo: ?!

Rikuo: Huh...? Why did the bus...?!
Nurari: Oh, Rikuo, you're home...
Nurari: You really do have pretty bad luck.

Youkai: Rikuo-sama has returned!
Youkai: So it was true.
Youkai: So you weren't really dead?
Youkai: Thank goodness!

Kana: The next one doesn't come for 30 minutes!
Kana: Just ignore those guys! Let's get on!
SFX: thump thump

SFx/Text: Waaaaah Waaaaaaaah
Aotabou: Rikuo-samaaaaaaaaaa!! I was soooooo worried!!
Kurotabou: I was a lot more worried than you, Ao!!

Aotabou: Are you okay?!
Aotabou: Oi, bring some hot water!!
Aotabou: What a shock!

Rikuo: I... have to go save her.

Youkai: Now where are you going, so late in the day?!
Rikuo: Someone get my shoes!!
Rikuo: Isn't it obvious?!

Rikuo: I'm going to save Kana-chan!!
Rikuo: Please come with me!! Aotabou!! Kurotabou!!
Rikuo: Everyone!

Kurotabou: Y-yes sir!
Mokugyo: Wait!!

Youkai: Lord Mokugyo Daruma...?
Mokugyo: You cannot do this... 
Mokugyo: Going off to help humans... it's preposterous!!

Rikuo: Huh?!
Aotabou: Wh... Why...?

Mokugyo: Do you think we youkai can just obey you with such ideas?!

Mokugyo: We are the headquarters of the youkai world... the Nura Clan!!
Mokugyo: As if I'd put up with you leading out an army of demons on a whim!

Aotabou: Lord Daruma! Young Master is our leader!
Aotabou: There's a limit to disrespect!

Mokugyo: Disrespect?
Mokugyo: Hmph... do you have any idea of the meaning of "Fear" on the Nura Clan's emblem?
Mokugyo: Youkai are beings that inspire fear in humans.
Mokugyo: For us to help humans... it's absurd!!

Aotabou: You asshole!
Youkai: Aotabou?!

Youkai: Uwaaa they're fighting!
Youkai: Aotabou and Lord Daruma... what should we do?!

Rikuo: Would...

Rikuo: There's no time for this!
Rikuo: I don't wanna hear your ridiculous theories!
Rikuo: Mokugyo Daruma

Mokugyo: ?

Rikuo: So...
Rikuo: Everyone...
Youkai: Master...?
Youkai: Master's face... it's... 
Youkai: h-hey...
Youkai [small bubble]: Huh?

Rikuo: If it won't work...
Rikuo: "Because I'm human"....

Youkai: ?!

Rikuo: Then if I'm a youkai
Rikuo: There's no problem with me leading you guys out, right?

Rikuo: If that's the case... I'll just stop being human!

Mokugyo: What...
Text: What 's going on?! That's...

Text: Those eyes...
Text: They're different from the person before.

Rikuo: Don't follow me.

Mokugyo: Master?! Please wait!
Kubinashi: Lord Mokugyo Daruma...

Mokugyo: I'm busy right now! Ask me later...

Kubinashi: The fact that the bus Rikuo-sama was supposed to be on was in an accident could mean...
Kubinashi: ...that he's being targeted by someone... 
Kubinashi: If it was by any chance... an assassin...

Aotabou: Master!!
Aotabou: Us lot from the main house will follow you!
Kurotabou: I at least had that intention from the beginning!

SFX: sip

Rikuo: Tonight it almost feels like...
Rikuo: My blood is... is on fire...

Karasu Tengu: You said it yourself, Rikuo-sama
Karasu Tengu: That's the blood of the youkai

Rikuo: Blood?
Karasu: It is your grandfather's blood.

Karasu Tengu: It's fine for Rikuo-sama to lead us out

Karasu Tengu: Because

Karasu Tengu: A quarter of the blood running through your veins...
Karasu Tengu: Nurarihyon's blood!!

Police: Please stand back!
Crowd, top: No!
Crowd, top: Takahiro!!
Police: There's a risk of a second cave-in.

Woman: It doesn't make sense!!
Woman: Nothing here was in danger of collapsing at all...
Woman: There's got to be a mistake!

Woman: I have to save my son—
Woman: Where's the rescue team?!

Boy: Mama...
Woman: Huh? What is it?

Youkai: Oi, send more people over here!
Youkai: It's weaker here!

SFX: click

Kid: It hurts...
Kid: Mommy...
Kid: Everyone, don't worry...
Kid: Just hang in there.

Kana: Kyaa!!
Kiyotsugu: I-Ienaga-kun?
Kiyotsugu: Why are you scared?

Kana: B-Because...
Kana: There's...
Kana: People lined up over there...

Kiyotsugu: People?

Kiyotsugu: D-Do they look a little... strange to you...?
Kana: Kiyotsugu-kun... what are they...?
Kiyotsugu: Uh... b-beats me....

Youkai: Ch...
Youkai: There are so many still alive.

Kids: Hiieee?!
Kids: Wh-Who are you?

Gagoze: Looks like the tunnel didn't collapse completely...
Gagoze: Oh well, I suppose we'll just have to... slaughter everyone.

Gagoze: Children
Gagoze: A whole group of them.
Gagoze (same bubble, small text): Heheh

Kids: Hiiee...
Gagoze: Ahhh...
Gagoze: Over there...
Youkai: !!

Kiyotsugu: You—
Kiyotsugu: Youkai........


Kiyotsugu: Hiieeeee Hiieeeee
Kiyotsugu: Haaaaa Haaaaaa

Kiyotsugu: AHHHHHHH

Gagoze: ?!

Kids: ?!

Aotabou: Oho... we found them, Master!
Aotabou: Looks like they're alive!

[41: no text]

Rikuo: ...Gagoze
Rikuo: What are you doing here?

Youkai: Ga...
Youkai: Gagoze-sama...
Gagoze: ......

Gagoze: Those fools from the main house...

Kana: Wh-What now?!
Kid: This can't... there's no way...
Kid: What the hell is this, Kiyotsugu-kun?!?!

Kiyotsugu: I...
Kiyotsugu: I don't know...

Kiyotsugu: There must be...
Kiyotsugu: Some mistake...!

Youkai: There there, everything's fine now!
Rikuo: Stop that.
Rikuo: You guys are scary looking.

Youkai: Y... yes Master...
Kiyotsugu: ..............

Rikuo: I'm glad you're safe.
Rikuo: Kana-chan
Rikuo: You should close your eyes, this'll be scary.

Kana: ...?
Kana: Who is that?

Gagoze: Well, well, if it isn't Lord Mokugyo Daruma...
Mokugyo: Don't feign ignorance!
Mokugyo: Do you have any idea what you've done?!

Gagoze: ............
Gagoze: Dear me
Gagoze: I was... just attacking these human children here...
Gagoze: That's all, but...

Mokugyo: !

Gagoze: There... shouldn’t be any problem here, right?
Mokugyo: Ga... Gagoze!!

Rikuo: You think you're some kind of big-shot, killing children?
Gagoze: ?!
Rikuo: You wanted to eliminate me
Rikuo: And take the position of The Third for yourself...

Rikuo: Gagoze
Rikuo: You really are a pitiful little bastard of a youkai.

Youkai: What was that, asshole?!
Someone: ?!
Mokugyo: Wait... that person is...

Youkai: !
Kubinashi: Don't take one step closer to Rikuo-sama!
Kubinashi: You foul corpse of the Gagoze group!

Youkai: Why you—

Youkai: !

Youkai: Wha—?!

Kubinashi: This is a special thread made by combining the thread of Jorougumo** and the hair of Kejourou**...
[** TN: These are both Youkai which take the form of beautiful women. Jorougumo (絡新婦) seduce men with their long hair and biwa music, and lure them into spider webs so that they can eat them. Kejourou (毛倡妓) look like young women with long, straight hair which covers their face.]
Kubinashi: If you move, you'll die instantly!

Youkai: Don't underestimate me!

Youkai: AHHH

Gagoze: What...
Youkai: These guys...
Gagoze: Did you say... that person is Rikuo?

Gagoze: So you were alive!
Gagoze: C... Curse you

Gagoze: Damn it! Kill him!!
Gagoze: Kill the Master here!

Gagoze: Along with all those pathetic, weak-willed wretches from the main house!!
Gagoze: Annihilate them!!

Kurotabou: Master!

Aotabou: All this grunt work – 

Aotabou: Just leave it to me, Assault Officer Aotabou!!
Kurotabou: Asshole, you're not the only Assault Officer here!

Gagoze: How...

SFX [Yuki Onna]: Whooosh

Gagoze: This can't be happening...
Gagoze: How is... my clan... being defeated... 
Gagoze: We've killed more than anyone here... 
Gagoze: We're the strongest fighting force...

Youkai: Gagoze, you say you want to be the master of the youkai
Youkai: Because you've killed countless numbers of humans... don't you have any pride?

Gagoze: What...
Aotabou: Give it up
Aotabou: This scheme of yours... even cutting your fingers won't atone for this

Gagoze: Gah...
Gagoze: Hm?

Kurotabou: ?! What—
Gagoze: Bwhahahaha Just watch me!!

Gagoze: Should I rip these ones to shreds?!
Gagoze: They're the Master's friends, aren't they? If you don't want me to kill them, then you better start listening to me—

Gagoze: Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiieee

Karasu Tengu: Master?!

Gagoze: How... How... How could I be beaten by a little brat like you...
Gagoze: Wh... What... do you have... that I don't...?!

Gagoze: When among all the youkai...
Gagoze: I'm the most feared of all!

Rikuo: A child-devouring youkai... 
Rikuo: That truly is fearsome

Rikuo: However... one that preys on the weak and kills them, then becomes bloated with self-satisfaction

Rikuo: In this world of darkness
Rikuo: That youkai is the least fearsome creature of all.

Gagoze: !!

Rikuo: It's deplorable...
Rikuo: That such a foolish creature would be among the ranks of my Youkai servants!
Rikuo: Therefore! 

Rikuo: I will take on the position of The Third!!
人にあだなすような奴ぁ オレが絶対ゆるさねえ
** Rikuo: I'll never forgive
** Rikuo: Anyone who is the enemy of humans!

Youkai: Master...
Gagoze: Hiieee... stop...

Rikuo: Tell the youkai of the world
Rikuo: I'm going to become the Lord of All Evil Spirits!!

Rikuo: Every single youkai
Rikuo: Will join the Hyakki Yakou at my back to prowl the night

Gagoze: Gah...

[****About the upcoming panels: Right, I am extremely shaky on this section. It goes into shades of meaning in vocab and kanji, which I am not strong on. I'd really appreciate it if someone would check this page (52) in particular.]
Text: "Fear" –––

その文字は―― 普通ではない者―― 「鬼」が
Text: That word is made up of the character for "Oni**"
[TN: Oni is often translated as demon, or ogre.]

「ト」(reading next to this: ムチ. It may not even be ト, but it looks like it)を持つ という意味の字
Text: And the character for the "stick" they held

Text: That is to say— 

未知なるものへの〝感情〝 ――
Text: Feelings towards things as of yet unknown 

Text: The word "Youkai" expresses that —

Text: That "terror" inspired by the evil deeds of Gagoze

Text: That "towering" feeling when facing huge creatures

Text: That "fear" when facing threats 

Text: That "intimidation" when in fear of being controlled

だが―― それは妖怪の一面に過ぎない
Text: However – these words will not suffice for describing youkai

Kids: Wow... and yet he's so short...
Kids: He's so cool...
Kids: So youkai... really do exist... they really are that amazing...

Mokugyo: I... I knew the truth... but I never realized it until now.
Text: The Master of the World of Darkness...

Text: Can even overcome people with the feeling of awe.
Text: He is the one truly clad in fear.

Mokugyo: ....?
Mokugyo: Rikuo-sama...?

Yuki Onna: Wh... What's wrong?
Karasu Tengu: ?!
Aotabou: No... he just collapsed all of a sudden...
Aotabou: Don't tell me he was hit?!

Youkai: Master!

Mokugyo: ......
Mokugyo: He's...
Mokugyo: Returning to his human form...?

Youkai: No way... 
Youkai: So because his blood is only one fourth youkai
Youkai: He can only be a youkai...
Youkai: For a quarter of each day...?

Karasu Tengu: Huhhhhhhh?! What did you say?!
SFX/BG: Ehhhhhhhh?
Aotabou: Th-That means...
Youkai: What's going on?!

Youkai: Master!!!

Textbox: A few years later...

Nurari: ......
Nurari: So it's no use this year either, huh...

Youkai: It's just not possible...
Nurari: Well then
Nurari: Even though I summoned you all here until early morning
Nurari: Yet again, at this meeting too, that means...

Nurari: Nura Rikuo-sama's accession to the position of The Third is to be postponed...

Nurari: Grrrr
Nurari: Not even one person would agree to it...
Mokugyo: It can't be helped, Commander.
Mokugyo: Master in his normal form

Mokugyo: Looks like that.

Nura Rikuo
12 years old, 7th grade

Rikuo: Mother
Rikuo: I'll be going now!

Mother: Oh, you're leaving early today, Rikuo!
Mother: I haven't made your lunch yet!
Rikuo: That's alright... I'll just buy something today

Aotabou: Ah, Master!!
Aotabou: Gooood mooorniiing!!
Aotabou: I'll start getting things ready—
Rikuo: Morning!

Rikuo: Don't worry about it!
Rikuo: I did it myself!

Nurari: Why is it... that he hasn't transformed since that night...
Mokugyo: That night, I thought he would become a splendid youkai, but...
Rikuo: Oh!
Rikuo: Grandfather, another meeting?

Nurari: Uh... yeah...
Rikuo: That won't do!
Rikuo: You mustn't do evil deeds all the time!
Rikuo: You shouldn't trouble the neighbourhood!

Rikuo: Right!
Rikuo: I'm off to school now!

Mokugyo: Hmmm, in fact...
Mokugyo: I get the feeling he's becoming a splendid human instead...

Mokugyo: Well, it's not like we can do very much during the afternoon anyway
Mokugyo: However... once night falls...

Text: Siiiiiigh
Nurari: How long do I have to stay the Supreme Commander?
Nurari: I just want to retire soon and enjoy life comfortably...

Nurari: When will he take on the position of The Third?!

Rikuo: See you later!!
Mokugyo: Ah well, who knows...?

Text: He's human, and sometimes Youkai?! The curtain opens on a tale full of ups and downs!!

The Grandson of Nurarihyon
Act 1
The End


  1. I am overwhelmingly grateful to Elkin and njt over at MangaHelpers for the invaluable help with the translation. They both deserve your babies, hand them over.
  2. Most information on the various Youkai was found on the Japanese Wikipedia, in particular[url=] page (or search 日本の妖怪一覧 ).
  3. A few phrases were matched to those used by shrimpy in his translation of the oneshot from last year, such as (Young) Master, (Supreme) Commander, Lord of All Spirits Everywhere, etc.

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